Dive into the world of VR/AR, Cyber Security, Blockchain, and much more!
The Deep Dive Sessions are exclusively for employees of SMEs and corporations and are included as exclusive seminar offer in the Corporate & Investor Ticket.
In sessions of approx. 2 hours you can get deep into “your” topic, get to know use cases and discuss trends.
You can register for the individual sessions via our b2match platform (first come, first served)! Need more information about b2match? With pleasure!
All Deep Dives take place in German.

Session 1: Cyber Security (Oktober 29th, 2019, 10:00 – 12:15 o'clock)
Especially in times of digitalization and industry 4.0 it is more important than ever that information is reasonably secured. A secure protection can only be guaranteed if you know the potential dangers and where they lurk.
In this Deep Dive experts from science and industry show the dangers and how to protect against them.
Session procedure
Oliver Nyderle | T-Systems Multimedia Solutions | “Der Hase und der Igel oder CyberCrime – ein unfairer Wettlauf?” |
Matteo Große-Kampmann | Aware7 | “Menschen und Risikoeinschätzung – Ein Drama in drei Akten” |
Markus Hertlein | Xignsys | “Wir schaffen das Passwort ab” |
n.n. | n.n. | “Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven im Bereich Cyber Security” |
Heiko Koepke | Physec | “Sichere Endgeräte und Kommunikation im IoT” |
n.n. | n.n. | “Speed Workshop” |
Session 2: Digital Transformation (Oktober 29th, 2019, 12:30 – 14:45 o'clock)
Digitalization means change for society, economy and politics and thus for each of us. It is essential to play an active role in shaping this change so that we do not have to react in a makeshift manner as a driven individual. This is not just about IT, but about the culture and the understanding to use new working methods profitably for oneself. In this Deep Dive you will get to know the different facets and processes of digital transformation and learn how to master digital transformation in your company.
Session procedure
Patrick Kitzinger | 360 Online Performance Group | “Facetten & Prozesse ‘Digitale Transformation'” |
Thomas Schöler | Salzgitter Mannesmann Stahlhandel | “Design Sprints als Projektmethode” |
Fabian Jung | Siemens | “Digitale Transformation durch und mit Startups” |
Stefan Tewes | EC3L | “Transformation von Geschäftsmodellen & Mitarbeitern” |
Marc Eichborn | BITMARCK | “Voraussetzungen für interne Innovationen” |
n.n. | n.n. | “Speed Workshop” |
Session 3: AR/VR (Oktober 29th, 2019, 15:00 – 17:15 o'clock)
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have already found their way into our everyday lives – whether as head-up displays in cars (AR) or in the training and further education of employees (VR). Driven by rapid advances in hardware and software, more and more possibilities and fields of application are emerging for these exciting technologies.
Session procedure
n.n. | n.n. | “n.n.” |
Jonathan Natzel | Weltenmacher | “VR/AR im Health-Kontext” |
Boris Kantzow | Weltenmacher (ehemals Professor in Vertretung für Media Technologies Hochschule RheinMain) | “Mit VR/AR Forschung und Wirtschaft miteinander verknüpfen” |
Johannes Scholl | ICAROS | “Aufbruch in neue Welten” |
René Schumann | HOCHTIEF ViCon | “AR/VR Technologien zur Zusammenarbeit im Planen und Bauen” |
n.n. | n.n. | “Speed Workshop” |
Session 4: AI/KI (Oktober 30th, 2019, 10:00 – 12:15 o'clock)
has been made in recent years. There is no way around AI and it is certainly one of the most frequently discussed topics in the course of digitization. Experts from science and industry agree that AI will have a decisive influence on the development of companies of all sizes in the coming years. How and where can I use artificial intelligence? Find out in our Deep Dive AI.
Session procedure
Nicole Langrock | Fraunhofer IAIS | “Aktuelle Trends im Bereich KI und entsprechende Kompetenzen & Potenziale in NRW” |
Gökhan Akkamis | Juracus | “Legaltech – Wie KI bei der automatisierten Prüfung von Verträgen hilft” |
Martina Yazgan | Cognigy | “Chatbots, Virtuelle Assistenten & Co. – Wie Conversational AI Wegbegleiter unseren eigenen Self-Service vorantreiben” |
Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Felix Nensa | Uniklinikum Essen | “Künstliche Intelligenz im Gesundheitswesen – nicht nur schneller, besser, günstiger, sondern Ermöglichung neuer medizinischer Erkenntnisse” |
Dr. Florian Kruse | Point8 | “AI beyond the hype – Lessons learned aus der Industrie” |
n.n. | n.n. | “Speed Workshop” |
Session 5: Data Analytics/Business Intelligence (Oktober 30th, 2019, 12:30 – 14:45 o'clock)
Data is the new gold. But how do I turn data into gold? Many industrial companies are slowly starting to use Big Data to develop new business models or to optimize their existing business. Our experts will help you find gold and show you how to use your data to your advantage.
Session procedure
Christian Werling | ThoughtSpot | “Realtime-Business Intelligence Conversations mit Hilfe von KI auf Basis von Massendaten” |
Dr. Felix Friemann | Logarithmo | “Smarte Data Analytics Add-Ons für bestehende Systeme” |
Dr. Florian Kruse | Point8 | “Predictive Maintenance” |
n.n. | n.n. | “Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven im Bereich Data Analytics/Business Intelligence” |
Philip Vospeter | Westphalia DataLab | “Datengetrieben Supply Chain Optimierung mit standardisierten KI Softwarelösungen” |
n.n. | n.n. | “Speed Workshop” |
Session 6: Blockchain (Oktober 30th, 2019, 15:00 – 17:15 o'clock)
Blockchain is more than Bitcoin and this is now fortunately understood by many. Nevertheless, many companies are still struggling with the use of this promising technology. In this Deep Dive we show you potential fields of application and how you can increase data security with the help of a blockchain.
Session procedure
Prof. Dr. Michael Henke Dr. Axel T. Schulte |
Fraunhofer IML | “Blockchain und Smart Contracts im SCM” |
Philipp Sprenger | Ledger Engeneers | “Smart Contract Services for Logistics” |
Mirko Mollik | TrustCerts | “Wir machen Zeugnisse endlich fälschungssicher” |
Norbert Pohlmann | IfIS | “Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven im Bereich Blockchain” |
n.n. | n.n. | “n.n.” |
n.n. | n.n. | “Speed Workshop” |

In a nutshell:
Session 1: Cyber Security
29. Oktober 2019
10:00 – 12:15 o’clock
Session 2: Digital Transformation
29. Oktober 2019
12:30 – 14:45 o’clock
Session 3: AR/VR
29. Oktober 2019
15:00 – 17:15 o’clock
Session 4: AI/KI
30. Oktober 2019
10:00 – 12:15 o’clock
Session 5: Data Analytics/Business Intelligence
30. Oktober 2019
12:30 – 14:45 o’clock
Session 6: Blockchain
30. Oktober 2019
15:00 – 17:15 o’clock

You need more information about the RuhrSummit?
phone: +49 201.879 193 90 | mail: info(at)