Dirk Opalka (CEO, Initiativkreis Ruhr)
Oliver Weimann (Co-Founder & CEO, 360 Online Performance Group)
Homelike - Disrupting the hundred billion Dollar long-term business accommodation market
Patrick Kitzinger (CDO, 360 Online Performance Group)
"Digital Transformation - it's not gonna work without!"
Marc Eichborn (CDO, BITMARCK)
Michael Schmidt (Human Resources Manager Ruhr Region, Siemens)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Tewes (Co-Founder, EC3L)
Steffen Szeidl (member of the board, Drees & Sommer)
"Ankerkraut – Under The Radar – Over The Top"
Anne Lemcke (Co-Founder, Ankerkraut)
Franziska Wetzel (Startup Marketing Manager, Telekom Deutschland GmbH)
Britta Dombrowe (Programme Lead Startup Activities, Initiativkreis Ruhr)
Carmen Radeck (Founder, Ruhrgründer)
Janna Prager (Co-Founder, Impact Hub Ruhr)
"Even hardware startups can fly"
Oliver Voss (Redakteur Digitalwirtschaft & Startups, Tagesspiegel)
Florian Rinke (Redakteur Digitale Wirtschaft & Mobilität, Rheinische Post)
Alexander Hüsing (Gründer & Chefredakteur, deutsche-Startups.de)
Stefan Schulte (Ressortleiter Wirtschaft WAZ, FUNKE Mediengruppe)
Larissa Holzki (Reporterin im Ressort Unternehmen & Märkte, Handelsblatt)
Janina Lehr (Projektmanagerin, ruhr:HUB)
"My Parship Story – and learnings beyond"
Alexander Hüsing (Co-Founder & Chefredakteur, Initiativkreis Ruhr)
Oliver Weimann (Co-Founder & CEO, 360 Online Performance Group)
"B2B-Fintech – Road to Success: Die 5 Erfolgsfaktoren für ein nachhaltiges Wachstum
"Real Corporate Learning"
Christian Winter (Managing Director, Tengelmann Ventures)
Christoph Büth (Leiter Eigenkapitalfinanzierung, NRW.BANK)
Lukas Bennemann (Partner, ALSTIN CAPITAL)
Dr. Jens Busse (Investment Manager, Evonik Venture Capital)
Benjamin Erhart (Partner, UVC Partners)
"Corporate Culture"
Dr. Jennifer Dungs (Strategic Investor, InnoEnergy)
Thomas Eiskirch (Oberbürgermeister, Stadt Bochum)
Dr. Olaf Joeressen (Investment Manager, HTGF)
Philip Reinckens (Country Manager Germany, TIER Mobility)
Thomas Müller (Co-Founder & CEO, bee smart city)
"Talent recruiting 4.0 by AI"
"e-Estonia: the most ambitious and technological statecraft"
Timm Langhorst (Head of Marketing, Schülerhilfe.de)
Gerrit Kremer (Co-Founder, Agentur Doppelpass)
Martha Kift & Michele Schmitt (Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Marken von Morgen)
Anna Yona (Co-Founder, Wildling)
Nora Breuker (Co-Founder, Runaway Redhead)
Pascal Biesenbach (Member of the board, Klimaquartier Arrenberg)
Bastian Willers (B2B Sales Growth Hacker, Lennarz Consulting)
Hannes Linnemannstöns (Social Media Growth Hacker, Lennarz Consulting)
Julian Nöll (Founder/Host, pottcast.digital)
Oliver Nyderle (Head of Digital Integrity Solutions, T-Systems Multimedia Solutions)
Matteo Große-Kampmann (Co-Founder, Aware7)
Heiko Koepke (Co-Founder & CEO, Physec)
Willi Mannheims (eCAPITAL)
Alexander Stöhr (XignSys)
Registration via b2match platform!
Patrick Kitzinger (CDO, 360 Online Performance Group)
Thomas Schöler (Head Business Solutions, Salzgitter Mannesmann)
Fabian Jung (Head of Digital Transformation, Siemens)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Tewes (Co-Founder, EC3L)
Marc Eichborn (CDO, BITMARCK)
Registration via b2match platform!
Markus Rall (Vorstandsvorsitzender, DIVR - Dt. Institut für Virtual Reality)
Jonathan Natzel (Co-Founder, Weltenmacher)
Boris Kantzow (Co-Founder, Weltenmacher | ehemals Professor in Vertretung für Media Technologies Hochschule RheinMain)
Johannes Scholl (Co-Founder, ICAROS)
René Schumann (CEO, HOCHTIEF ViCon)
Registration via b2match platform!
Registration via b2match platform!
Wie entsteht eine Unternehmenskultur, die mehr ist als New Work?
Maaike Tiedge (Head of int. Marketing & new markets, Wildling)
Minka Frackenpohl (Strategy & Change Management, workingwell)
For: startups, corporates
11:00, 60 minutes
Einhorn oder Eichhörnchen? Digital Mindset für moderne Softwarelösungen
Tobias Post (CEO & Founder, Notioncube)
Fabian Post (CEO & Founder, Prime Avenue)
For: startups, corporates, interested people
11:00, 60 minutes
Venture Capital for the win
Dr. Christian Beckmann (Rechtsanwalt, Haas & Partner)
For: startups
11:00, 60 minutes
Schon bei der Gründung VC-Voraussetzungen schaffen
Dr. Alexander Goertz (Associated Partner, Flick Gocke Schaumburg)
For: startups, interested people
11:00, 60 minutes
Registration via b2match platform!
Asset Protection – Wie schütze ich meine Vermögenswerte und den Geschäftsbetrieb
Dr. Jorg Fedtke (lawyer/partner, Husemann & Partner)
Henning Jaeger (lawyer/partner, Husemann & Partner)
For: startups, interested people
11:00, 90 minutes
Mit Data Thinking zum datengetriebenen Unternehmen
Marc Weimer-Hablitzel (Lead DataHub.ruhr / Principal Data Innovation, etventure)
For: corporates
11:00, 90 minutes
Registration via b2match platform!
Der westfälische Weg in die Digitalisierung - ein Workshop, bei dem Doc Croco spielerisch den individuellen Zugang zur Digitalisierung anhand analoger Artefakte legt
Kai Bünseler (Digitale Werkbank Dortmund, Projektkoordinator)
Dr. Martin Kiel (the black frame. think tank., Direktor)
For: alle
Der Workshop findet als Spiel am Stand der Digitalen Werkbank in der EXPO Hall statt!
11:00, 75 minutes
Registration via b2match platform!
Being a Boosterteam - Intrapreneurship in der Produktentwicklung
Paolo Pereira (Product Manager, d-velop AG)
For: startups
14:00, 60 minutes
High Potential oder Baustelle? - Ideen bewerten und umsetzen
Nils Beckmann (Founder & CEO, Pitch and grow)
Alexander Hüsers (Founder & CEO, Innomago)
For: startups
14:00, 60 minutes
Registration via b2match platform!
Jetzt dein Investment sichern!
Berat Gider (Projektmanager Venture Capital, NRW.BANK)
For: startups
14:00, 90 minutes
Registration via b2match platform!
Denkfabrik Geschäftsmodelle
Darja Kramer (Innovationscoach, Digital in NRW – Kompetenz für den Mittelstand)
Dr. Laura Reder (Research Consultant, Digital Hub Logistics)
For: KMU & corporates
14:00, 120 minutes
Think big: Potentiale von Diversity Management - Ab Startup Tag 1
Andreas Gailus (Founder & CEO, gailus.ORG)
Angela Hermann (Project Consultant, gailus.ORG)
For: startups, corporates
14:00, 120 minutes
Registration via b2match platform!
Der westfälische Weg in die Digitalisierung - ein Workshop, bei dem Doc Croco spielerisch den individuellen Zugang zur Digitalisierung anhand analoger Artefakte legt
Kai Bünseler (Digitale Werkbank Dortmund, Projektkoordinator)
Dr. Martin Kiel (the black frame. think tank., Direktor)
For: alle
Der Workshop findet als Spiel am Stand der Digitalen Werkbank in der EXPO Hall statt!
15:00, 75 minutes
Smart Factory
Human Resources
Health Care
Smart City
Food & Beverage
networking party with live acts
open end!
Dorothee Grobosch (Director, KPMG)
Andreas Kwiatkowski (Founder, how.fm)
Robert Kronekker (Founder, Hafervoll)
Christof Kortz (Innogy)
Florian Merkel (KPMG)
Yoram Wijngaarde (Founder & CEO, Dealroom)
Marc Röbbecke (Projekt Managment, Design Metropole Ruhr)
Guido Beck (Founder & CEO, Beck Design)
Jasper Gruson (Co-Founder, FilChange)
Philipp Kemper (Co-Founder, FilChange)
Live Podcast
Julian Nöll (Founder/Host, pottcast.digital)
Christian Lüdtke (Gründerkoordinator Ruhr, Gründerallianz Ruhr)
Janna Prager (Co-Founder, Impact Hub Ruhr)
Nora Breuker (Founder, Runaway Redhead)
Anna Yona (Co-Founder, Wilding Shoes)
Tina Boes (Founder, Kauri)
Insight Talk & Live Coding
Güncem Campagna (Founder, Codingschule)
Viktoriya Lebedynska (Head of Education, Codingschule)
Presentation Startup Ecosystem
• David Wunder (Advisor Market Entry & Business Development, German-Finish Chamber of Commerce)
• Glenn Gassen (Chief Orchestrator, Espoo Innovation Garden)
Vastly 2.3m saunas for 5.5m Finns resulting in stunning 0.4 saunas per person. Moreover, the Nordic wonderland outperforms its neighbors and ranks at the top of the World Happiness Index the second year in a row. Also, the coolest nation from the North is known for its booming startup scene and is the annual host of the world’s leading startup event Slush, held during the darkest and most unpleasant time of the year. Time to shed some light to this country and its startup scene.
Presentation Startup Ecosystem
• Mariana Torres (Membership & Events coordinator, German-Uruguayan Chamber of Commerce & Industry)
Although of being such a small country, located in South America between two giants: Argentina and Brazil, with only a population of 3.5 million, Uruguay is positioned on 5th place regarding America Latina´s startups development situation. Uruguay has an excellent balance between policies and regulations for entrepreneurship, social capital and social conditions. The conjunction of all these factors allows a perfect climate for developing the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the country. The best ideas shows up when sharing knowledge with others, making new contacts and listening to other experiences. So, we are very grateful and excited for being part of Startup!Germany 2019. See you all there!
Presentation Startup Ecosystem
• Lenka Solcova (Project Consultant for Innovative technologies, German-Czech Chamber of Industry & Commerce)
• Martina Susova (Membership & Events coordinator, German-Slovak Chamber of Commerce)
Czech Republic is a country of do-it-yourself guys and inventors (homeland of contact lenses f.e.) with a long tradition in industry (similar as Germany). Therefore there is a flourish startup landscape, strong in B2B, and well established industry open for innovative solutions at the same time. Slovakia follows the rule with long industry tradition and many German investments in country. Strongly benefits of its size to become a “small big country” of great established network of idea makers. The community is connected to world-known ideas and companies such as ESET, Aeromobil or Sli.do.
Presentation Startup Ecosystem
• Hossein Sarafraz (Deputy Managing Director, German Iranian Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
• Niaz Zarrinbakhsh (Coordinator Start-ups, German-Iranian Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
Momentarily, Iran is facing hard pressure due to harsh sanctions imposed on the country. While the Iranian economy has cooled down, there is more hope for the startup scene. Brilliant, highly educated, and young minds manage to overcome the problems in their very own way. Creative ideas and smart solutions which often make us of a lot of improvisation enable the startup ecosystem to survive and are a dawn of hope in tough times. Young entrepreneurs want determine their chances themselves and take their luck into their own hands. The future cannot be foreseen but it is obvious that knowledge and dreams cannot be sanctioned.
Presentation Startup Ecosystem
• Vassilena Dimitrova (Membership & Events coordinator, German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
Bulgaria is famous for one of the most vibrant start-up and entrepreneurial ecosystems in Central and Eastern Europe. It has emerged recently, but evolved significantly. It still remains relatively unknown in the global scene. Despite the fact that the country has not produced a unicorn yet, or is not at top of mind when it comes to innovations, there are plenty of innovative companies providing interesting products, which have the potential to change industries and habits. There are a lot of benefits for entrepreneurs starting their company in Bulgaria: a good place to live in, a tax heaven, quick and cheap access to the internet, tech talent, low costs of living as well as English speaking population. The startup ecosystem of Bulgaria keeps on rising and you could be part of it!
Presentation Startup Ecosystem
• Charme Rykower (Senior Executive, Innovation-& Cooperation Scout, German-Israeli Chamber of Industry & Commerce)
With a population of only 9 million, Israel has become a world-renowned hotspot for innovation and technological progress. With over 8,300 start-ups, Israel has the highest startup density in the world and is also one of the most important locations for technological startups in absolute terms. With the world's highest per capita share of scientists, the world's highest degree of academization and the highest share of GDP for research and development, the high number of technology-intensive start-ups comes at no surprise. Nowhere in the world is more venture capital invested per capita than in Israel. Hence, pioneering spirit and daring are also reflected in the availability of capital. As a result of this, the Israeli Startup Ecosystem is often referred to as Silicon Wadi, indicating its potential to compete with Silicon Valley. Attracted by the Startup Nations innovation power, over 320 multinationals operate local development and research centers in Israel. These include big German companies such as Bosch, Deutsche Telekom, Siemens, SAP and Daimler.
In addition to discussing the characteristics of the Silicon Wadi, we will explain how Israel has transformed from a state of military emergency, economic boycott, water and food shortages and mass immigration into today’s Startup Nation. We will further elaborate on the role of the military in this matter and how innovation and technology are derived out of it. Moreover, we will inform on the latest innovation fields and tech trends such as Cybersecurity, Digital Health, Ag- and Watertech and Artificial Intelligence..
Presentation Startup Ecosystem
• Lena Charlotte Mueller (Representative of Sambia, Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce & Industry)
• Esther Mukendi (Project Manager, Delegation Of German Industry and Commerce for Eastern Africa)
• Rian Yesufu (Manager New Economy und Start-ups, Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria)
The growing startup ecosystem in Africa is making waves with 44 startups in Africa raising up to USD 450 million in the first half of 2019.
Join our AHK representatives from Africa as we discuss opportunities in the African startup ecosystem!
Presentation Startup Ecosystem
• Danijel Gostencnik (Head of the Deutsche Messe and Koelnmesse Representation, German-Slovene Chamber of Commerce & Industry)
Everything is relative. If you take a closer look at different “Lists of the best in Europe”, including the conversion to the per capita unit, these lists can alter a lot. Did you know that Slovenia is among the best countries regarding unicorn exits, number of crowdfunding projects, innovations and scientists, the extent of robotic workforce, etc.? In a short 15 minute presentation we will focus on a number of facts which are likely to surprise you and then individually discuss your possibilities of future cooperation with Slovenia.
As part of the Start.up! Germany Tour of the IHKs in the Ruhr area, around 60 startups from 22 countries will come to the RuhrSummit. At the "International Startup-Meetup" the foreign guests want to get to know you!
The startups come from high-tech nations like Israel and South Korea as well as from exciting countries like Iran, Uruguay and Ghana and want to connect with the local startup ecosystem.
At 6pm the delegation arrives at the RuhrSummit and is looking forward to seeing as many German startups as possible at the AHKs and IHKs booth ("International Stage"). Use the time before the MEET@BEAT PARTY to get together with them and have nice conversations!
Partners of the International Startup-Meetup are
- TU Dortmund
- Ruhr University Bochum
- Economic Development Dortmund
- Bochum Economic development
German: Welcome to RuhrSummit 2019 - We gonna rock!09:30 - 09:50
English: Dustin Figge (Co-Founder & CEO, Homelike)09:50 - 10:15
German: Patrick Kitzinger (CDO, 360 Online Performance Group)10:15 - 10:30
English: Panel "New Work - you cannot manage a company for tomorrow by mantras from yesterday"10:30 - 11:10
English: Anne Lemcke (Co-Founder, Ankerkraut)11:10 - 11:25
German: Panel "Warum wir einfach mehr GründerINNEN brauchen?!?"11:25 - 12:05
English: Johannes Scholl (Co-Founder, ICAROS)12:05 - 12:20
German: Panel "Welche Präsenz verdienen Startups in der Presse und ist Innovation per se sexy?"12:20 - 13:00
English: Arndt Roller (EX-CEO, Parship)14:00 - 14:20
German: Buchvorstellung "Wann grasen endlich Einhörner an der Emscher?"14:20 - 14:40
German: Dr. Nico Peters (Co-Founder, COMPEON)14:40 - 15:00
German: Stefan Tewes (Co-Founder, EC3L)15:00 - 15:20
English: Panel "Einhörner an der Emscher - Das Investoren-Panel"15:20 - 16:00
German: Sebastian Deutsch & Eray Basar (9 elements)16:15 - 16:35
German: Panel "Future of Mobility - Welche Mobiltätskonzepte bewegen uns in der Zukunft?!"16:35 - 17:20
English: Melikshah Ünver (Co-Founder & CEO, Taledo)17:20 - 17:40
English: Viljar Lubi (State Secretary Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Republic of Estonia)17:40 - 18:00
German: Local SEO10:00 - 10:45
German: Pressearbeit als Startup: Wie komme ich in die Medien?10:50 - 11:35
German: Purpose beats products: Ohne Haltung keine Marke11:40 - 12:25
German: Mit Crowdfunding zum Break-Even - Best Practice für eine erfolgreiche Kampagne12:30 - 13:15
English: How to build Digital Communities13:45 - 14:30
German: China, Klima und KI – Neue Chancen für Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft?14:35 - 15:20
German: #executeordie - Growth Hacking für Startups15:25 - 16:10
German: How to make a podcast!16:15 - 17:00
English: Panel "Startup meets Investors - Pitfalls and success factors"10:30 - 11:15
English: "Putting the Ruhr District on the global tech map" | Yoram Wijngaarde (Founder & CEO, Dealroom)11:30 - 12:00
English: Panel "Dreamteam: How Designer and Startups meet at Salon des Créateurs"13:00 - 13:30
German: Live Podcast "Die Droge Wachstum – oder: warum Startups immer, immer mehr wollen müssen?"14:30 - 15:00
English: Panel "Female Founders - How she did it! RuhrSummit Edition"15:30 - 16:15
English: Machine Learning - Insight Talk and Live Coding for dummies16:30 - 17:15
English: Finland: The Land of Happy People, Sauna and Slush10:15 - 10:45
English: Uruguay for export: small country, big talents11:00 - 11:30
English: Startup Ecosystems in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Innovative gate into the CEE region11:45 - 12:15
English: StartUp Iran: dreams beyond the sanctions12:30 - 13:00
English: The Bulgarian startup ecosystem keeps on rising: facts and figures14:00 - 14:30
English: Startup Nation Israel - Meet the Silicon Wadi14:45 - 15:15
English: Startup, the African way!15:30 - 16:00
English:Slovenia - The most successful startup ecosystem in Europe16:15 - 16:45
International Startup-Meetup: Connect with startups from all over the world18:00 - 18:30