Think global: Hole Dir Hilfe und Insights von Experten und lerne internationale Startup-Hotspots kennen!
Du möchtest Dein Startup im Ausland entwickeln oder ausbauen und suchst nach Informationen und Unterstützung, um Kontakte, Know-how und Kapital aufzubauen?
Dann bist Du an der International Stage genau richtig!
Hier erwarten Dich die Experten der deutschen Auslandshandelskammern (AHK), die Dir bei der Internationalisierung Deines Startups helfen und beratend zur Seite stehen.
Unsere Empfehlung: Nutze die b2match Plattform/App, um gezielt Gesprächstermine zu vereinbaren. Du findest die Vertreter der AHKs via Filteroption unter „International Support“.

Vorstellung internationaler Startup-Ökosysteme, 29. Oktober 2019
10:15 – 10:45 | Finland | Finland: The Land of Happy People, Sauna and Slush | David Wunder (Advisor Market Entry & Business Development, German-Finish Chamber of Commerce)
Glenn Gassen (Chief Orchestrator, Espoo Innovation Garden) |
11:00 – 11:30 | Uruguay | Uruguay for export: small country, big talents | Mariana Torres (Membership & Events coordinator, German-Uruguayan Chamber of Commerce & Industry) |
11:45 – 12:15 | Czech Republic and Slovakia | Startup Ecosystems in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Innovative gate into the CEE region | Lenka Solcova (Project Consultant for Innovative technologies, German-Czech Chamber of Industry & Commerce)
Martina Susova (Membership & Events coordinator, German-Slovak Chamber of Commerce) |
12:30 – 13:00 | Iran | StartUp Iran: dreams beyond the sanctions | Hossein Sarafraz (Deputy Managing Director, German Iranian Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
Niaz Zarrinbakhsh (Coordinator Start-ups, German-Iranian Chamber of Industry and Commerce) |
14:00 – 14:30 | Bulgaria | The Bulgarian startup ecosystem keeps on rising: facts and figures | Vassilena Dimitrova, Membership & Events coordinator, German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce |
14:45 – 15:15 | Israel | Startup Nation Israel – Meet the Silicon Wadi
Charme Rykower, Senior Executive, Innovation-& Cooperation Scout, German-Israeli Chamber of Industry & Commerce |
15:30 – 16:00 | African countries (Southern Africa, Sambia, Nigeria, Kenia) | Startup, the African way! | Lena Charlotte Mueller, Representative of Sambia, Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Angeline Marokoane, Public Relations Manager, Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce & Industry Esther Mukendi, Project Manager, Delegation Of German Industry and Commerce for Eastern Africa Rian Yesufu, Manager New Economy und Start-ups, Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria |
16:15 – 16:45 | Slovenia | Slovenia – The most successful startup ecosystem in Europe | Danijel Gostencnik, Head of the Deutsche Messe and Koelnmesse Representation, German-Slovene Chamber of Commerce & Industry |
Vorstellung internationaler Startup-Ökosysteme, 30. Oktober 2019
11:00 – 11:30 | Russia | Russia’s Startup Ecosystem | Dmitrij Kononenko, Head of Digitalization Unit, German-Russian Chamber of Commerce |
11:45 – 12:15 | Croatia | Croatia: small but rising | Melita Maganic, HR-manager & Start-ups & Innovation coordinator, German-Croatian Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Maja Brkljacic, Business Development Manager, Algebra LAB |
12:30 – 13:00 | Ghana | Startup, the African way! – Ghana chapter | Samuel Boakye Opoku, Coordinator Start-ups & New Economy, Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana |

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